Although the Code process is still not complete, we expect it will be the first time in the US that a state has recognized the actual international Passive House Building Energy Standard—even as an option.
I have included the news release and the list of endorsers who helped us tremendously in this victory (immediately below).
Congratulations and thank you to everyone involved, especially to: Sam Hagerman, Skylar Swinford, & Zack Semke of Hammer and Hand, Stephen Aiguier and Dylan Lamar of Green Hammer, Wes Drumheller, Tad Everhart, and especially to Graham Wright who has patiently and diligently nursed this along for much of the last year.
--Jeffrey Tufenkian
Let Oregon Lead Committee
For immediate release:
March 18, 2011
Zack Semke, zack at hammerandhand (dot) com
Jeffrey Tufenkian, jeffrey at compassprop (dot) com
Oregon Sets Efficiency Precedent:
Passive House Building Energy Standard to be High Level Option Within State Reach Code
Passive House Building Energy Standard to be High Level Option Within State Reach Code
SALEM, Ore.—Wednesday (3/16), the Oregon Reach Code Committee unanimously adopted the Passive House Building Energy Standard as an option within the new Reach Code. The Committee, initiated by S.B. 79, is developing an optional, aspirational building code with a two-fold purpose: to incentivize high performance buildings, and to allow jurisdictions & builders to field test state-of-the-art construction methods. The Passive House Building Energy Standard, which cuts energy use by 70-90%, is the world’s most rigorous standard for energy efficiency. Although still relatively new to the U.S., it has been widely practiced and is being phased in as minimum building code in Europe.
“While still only an option within an option, we can all be proud that Oregon has taken this historic step to continue as a leader for the country by including the Passive House Building Energy Standard in the new Oregon Reach Code,” stated Sam Hagerman, President of Portland contractor Hammer and Hand and the national Passive House Alliance. “We applaud the Reach Code Committee for taking this important action towards addressing the climate challenge we face.”
“The Passive House Standard is not only cost effective related to standard construction, these buildings also have superior comfort, health, performance, and durability,” said Stephen Aiguier, President of Portland Design-Build Firm, Green Hammer. “This is a great indication that Oregon is starting to take the steps needed to solve climate change and reduce our dependence on foreign energy.”
The measure garnered strong support, having been endorsed by 14 nonprofit organizations, many individuals, and 29 businesses including Oregon CUB, Oregon Environmental Council, Climate Solutions, Rocky Mountain Institute, and VOIS Business Alliance. Jana Gastellum of Oregon Environmental Council testified in support of the adoption, and the Chair of the Oregon Global Warming Commission sent a letter of support aligning the Passive House Standard with their October 2010 Roadmap to 2020 report calling for greenhouse gas emissions reductions of 80%.
The Reach Committee voted the Passive House Building Energy Standard into a high level of the commercial building portion of the Reach Code (Section 301.1.1) and indicated they will likely do the same for the residential portion when they reach that section in an upcoming session.
# # #
Endorsers of Let Oregon Lead Campaign
Nonprofit organizations:
Citizens’ Utility Board of Oregon
Climate Solutions
Ecobuilding Collaborative of Oregon
NW Ecobuilding Guild
NW Ecobuilding Guild Portland Chapter
NW Energy Coalition
Oregon Environmental Council
Passive House Alliance
Passive House Institute US
Passive House Northwest
Passive House Oregon Proud Ground
Rocky Mountain Institute
VOIS Business Alliance
A Kitchen That Works
Alison Kwok Architect
Cityhouse Builders
Debar Architecture
DMS Architects
Drumheller Design Studios
Eagle Creek Natural Building
Eco Smart Building PC
Edmiston Design/Build
Ethan Beck Homes
Green Hammer
Green PDX
Hammer and Hand
JB Hammer Designs
Living Room Realtors
Meadows Group Realtors
Nathan Good Architects
PDX Living
Root Design Build
Sarah Davis Design Services
Small Planet Workshop
Studio-E Architecture
Sustainable Solutions Unlimited
Swift Architecture
Ted Nickell Design
Tom Bender Architect
Wright On Sustainability
Year Round Comfort